Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Quotes: David Goldblatt

Speaking of his early photographic work against apartheid in South Africa.

" I  began at first to think that I had to be a missionary. I had to tell the world  what was happening in South Africa because nobody seemed to be taking any notice. I had visions of becoming a sort of missionary with a camera."

"The subject to me is always primary. Without the subject I'm lost. I see things that really excite me because they exist, they make me itch, and I've got to scratch the itch. I scratch it with a camera."

"I work on the old-fashioned principle that if you are shooting on negative film, you expose for the shadows and I used to develop for the shadows as well, so I would end up with very dense film. I would rather have a dense piece of film than one with nothing on it. You can't print what isn't there. But if if you 've exposed generously you can print. That's what I did."