Monday, October 6, 2014

The Joys Of Printing

After 3 or so days of stubbornly fighting me off I think I managed to make some OK prints of the troublesome "Mother feeding her baby" negative.  I did up 3 prints last night of this neg each took me about 40 or 50 minutes to expose and develop and fix. I ended up using 3 different masks, 2 for burning and 1 for dodging along with other burns and dodges with various cards and tools. Not sure how many steps I went through to do the print, probably from 12-15.

After the serious printing session was over I searches through my neg binders and found 6 important negatives that I might use in the show. I made up several RC paper prints for making masks and each neg looks worthy of printing. Seeing these images for the first time is beautiful, I have never printed any of these photographs before, so the first viewing is joyful.

Photography is such a powerful and glorious thing, I never tire of it. Even when some of the jobs involved in the field or dark are monotonous I push my way through them and get rewarded with the later highs of the process. I experienced some of that today when I saw the negs for the first time in photo form.

"Ain't Photography Grand!"

Here are 4 of the negs I found today.