Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Access, Oh So Difficult

Today I got back word from the United Nations Thai based refugee rep who detailed the procedure for getting into the camps. Boy is it complex, you got to love bureaucracy and red tape, no wonder very little actually gets done in many of these places. Here is part of the email.

...the refugee camps are managed by the Thai government, not --------. To visit you’d need to apply for a camp pass with the Ministry of Interior, and to photograph/shoot video, you’ll need to apply for permission to work in Thailand and to film in the camp through the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. 

The person who sent me the email was very helpful and included all the relevant forms, and some contacts. Gosh thou this is complicated, all I want to do is make pictures! I think what I will do is just report to the area on my motorbike, find what I can find and move on from there. Later on (next year?) I might try climbing through all this red tape. It might be easier just to go there and see if I can find a friend who can get me access. I am pretty good at making friends, did it in the ghetto in West Oakland, California when I was younger, did it in Thai numerous times, in Cambodia, Laos etc. I am much better face to face talking to someone than filling out forms for office clerks in some grimy fluorescent light lit rooms filled with folders ad filling cabinets.

I will go to Thailand, then Mae Sot, explore, make photos and see what happens!