Friday, August 21, 2015

Link: Eyeworks, A Major Player

Seems Eyeworks the company that contacted me about film rights are major players in Sweden and Europe.

If I could get some money for the rights from this multi million dollar corporation, I could make individual donations to each of the families. A little bit of money to every family, to every shack in the dump would go a long way to helping them at least in the short term. It would have a positive impact on their lives even if it was only to provide a few decent meals for the family groups. Helping to buy some food or to help them get new clothes for the kids, whatever the mom and dad thought was most important.

Another option would be to give the money to the local dump school, thou I am a bit less sure how that would be spent. Maybe I could do a bit of both. If you spread it around, you at least know that some of money is doing good.

I am going back to the dump within a few months and could make sure the funds gets to the right folks (usually the mothers/woman of the household is who you want to get the money to, male members sometimes use it for booze-gambling etc). Or I could just buy rice and other food stuff and give it to the families directly myself, from my hands to theirs.

This whole thing just seems so right, the video footage I made could lead to providing some help for the families. One of my goals in doing social documentary photography (and the video footage) was to tell the stories of people like those in "Families of the Dump". The goal was to educate, to inform and cause positive changes. I have been told by several people, several negative type folks who were at the time supposed friends (I can think of 3 of them off hand) about how photography does not have impact, that it does not lead to positive change, how I was wasting my time and efforts etc. This film rights thing could be an example of how wrong those people were. People do care, you can use your photographs (and video) to help those in need.

Even if nothing does happen and no donation money is made I still know I am on the right path, I will hold to my idealism. Social documentary photography (video) does have power, it does have impact, it can lead to positive change (small and large). Lets say that one more time!! Social documentary photography (video) does have power, it does have impact, it can lead to positive change.